Thursday, February 16, 2012

First dentist visit

A couple days ago I took Rece to his first dentist visit. I didn't know kids as young as Rece should go but our pediatrician recommended that we do. I was nervous. As a kid I had a lot of cavities and hated going to the dentist. It was always a trip filled with anxiety and disappointment. The only bright side (if you call it that) was that the dentist in the small town we went to was pretty loose on the happy gas - so I went under for almost any procedure. But that's way off topic here. Ever since Rece has had teeth Carrie has been consistent in making sure we brush them every night. It's made for some interesting and tear-filled moments during bath time, but I stick to it hoping that it'll develop habits that will pay off big time in the long run.

And, our visit confirmed that our effort is paying off - Rece's teeth are plaque free and look great. The hygienist and dentist were great and it's a very cool office for kids; I think he'll love it as he gets older (especially if he keeps up the excellent oral health.)
Seth and Rece at his first dentist visit. He had that concerned look the whole time.

The last 14 months with Rece have really made me consider how much of success comes from daily effort - getting into good habits that keep adding up day after day. I get a bit impatient at time and wants things to change now, to get better now, but just like Rece's healthy teeth, you got do the hard work day after day. Trying to be a good dad is making me be a better person. (And, yes, I am taking much better care of my own teeth!)

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